Hey there, Shaadi enthusiasts! Get ready for a design revolution that's about to redefine the way you find your perfect match. In this blog post, we're pulling back the curtain on Shaadi Live—a game-changer in the world of online matchmaking. We'll dive into the nitty-gritty of our UI/UX design journey, exploring how innovation tackled the challenges faced by Shaadi Live and transformed it into a seamless, in-app experience.

The Problem Unveiled 

In the realm of online matchmaking, our users faced the daunting trio of emailers, push notifications, and phone calls, leading to fatigue and frustration. But digging deeper, we uncovered UX-level issues: lack of a seamless discovery process, low impression frequency (recall), and a struggle to build user intent and action. The challenge was clear—how could we create an experience that not only meets but exceeds the expectations of our users?

The Discovery Dilemma: Navigating the Maze
Discovery—an integral piece in the puzzle of user engagement. The challenge was to make Shaadi Live easily discoverable, eliminating the maze that hindered users from finding this hidden gem. From there, our UX journey expanded to address Impression Frequency, Recall, and Building Intent—crucial aspects in the pursuit of creating a seamless user experience.

More Than Just an Event: The Essence of Shaadi Live

Shaadi Live - It's not merely an event; it's a celebration of love, a unique platform offering users the chance to connect through 5-minute video chats. The problem wasn't just the manual interventions; it was about sculpting an experience that mirrored the essence of Shaadi Live itself—efficient, exciting, and memorable.

The Grand Plan

Meet My-Shaadi's New Roommate: Shaadi Live Widget

Picture this: Animated visuals dancing across your screen, beckoning you into the exciting world of Shaadi Live. The My-Shaadi widget became our go-to spot, a permanent residence for all things Shaadi Live. We aimed to nudge users toward participation and make Shaadi Live a vibrant, unmissable part of their Shaadi journey.

Shaadi Live's Unique Look and Feel

Why blend in when you can stand out? Shaadi Live dons a vibrant, distinctive look, intentionally breaking away from the traditional Shaadi App aesthetics. It's not just an event; it's a celebration, and the design reflects the energy and excitement pulsating through Shaadi Live.

From RSVP to Event Details: A Seamless Journey

Eligibility, prompts, RSVPs—our users needed an easy ticket to Shaadi Live events. We crafted a userflow that guides both premium and free users, ensuring a smooth journey from the initial invitation to checking event statuses. The homepage widget becomes the gateway to event details, making sure users are in the loop with upcoming and past events.

Design Decisions that Spark Joy- Widgets, Cards, and FOMO 😲

To ensure that users never miss a chance at love, we've strategically placed a fixed Shaadi Live card on the homepage. This card boasts a sleek design with minimal visuals, adorned with captivating animations to catch your eye. Key features include:

Designing Love, One Click at a Time 💖

In wrapping up, our design journey for Shaadi Live was about more than just pixels and animations. It was about solving real-world problems, eliminating annoyances, and making the pursuit of love a delightful experience. Shaadi Live isn't just an event; it's a testament to the power of thoughtful design in bringing hearts together.

Ready to dive into the vibrant world of Shaadi Live? Your journey begins with a click, an animated nudge, and the promise of a 5-minute video chat that could change your life. Let's make love happen, one design at a time!