
Welcome to our journey of crafting a seamless user experience and revamping the Payment Plans Page. In this blog, we'll take you through the process of addressing visibility issues that once hindered our users' journey.

The Initial Challenges

Imagine users, especially parents on smaller devices, struggling to locate the crucial "Continue" button on the Payment Plans Page. The result? A noticeable drop in conversions. The visibility hiccup of the button became a stumbling block in our users' journey.

The Ripple effect on conversions

The numbers don't lie—our data revealed a direct correlation between compromised button visibility and a 46% decline in the Payment Plans conversions. Users, when left in the dark about the primary call-to-action, were less likely to sail through their plan selection.

Previous Designs :

Design Objectives

1. Enhance Button Visibility: We aimed to make that "Continue" button impossible to miss, regardless of the device or font settings.

2. Adaptive Design: Our goal was to create a design that dances gracefully across various devices and font preferences.

3. Revolutionise Conversions: Ultimately, we aspired to skyrocket PP1 conversions by tackling visibility issues and delivering a seamless user experience for all.

Deep Dive into Research

In the trenches, we conducted thorough user testing with different devices and font settings. The consensus? A significant percentage of users, especially parents, wrestled with the "Continue" button, hindering their understanding of plan benefits.

Our Design Odyssey

1. Adaptive Button Placement:

2. Visual Delights:

Brainstorming Brilliance

Our design process involved lively brainstorming sessions with our creative minds—designers, developers, and product managers. We took a 360-degree approach, considering technical possibilities and user-friendly designs.

Crafting User-Friendly Designs:                                                            Navigating the Mix of Prototyping and Tweaks

With wireframes and prototypes in hand, we delved into the world of user feedback, using creative solutions like hovering CTAs to guide users to the elusive "Continue" button. Through rigorous testing and refinement, we ironed out usability wrinkles, ensuring our design spoke to users. It was a step-by-step process, a dance of improvement that led us to a solution seamlessly blending functionality and user satisfaction.

The Grand Unveiling!!

Behold, our final design! The "Continue" button now stands tall, visible to all. We've carefully curated a design that not only solves the problem but does so with finesse.

Turning ideas into Reality

Implementing this design wasn't a solo act. Our collaboration with developers was key. Challenges were met, solutions found, and together, we brought our enhanced Plans Page to life.

Results Speak Volumes

The metrics are in, and the user feedback is resounding. Our design changes have not only addressed the visibility problem but have also contributed to an improved user experience, aligning with our broader product and business goals.

In Conclusion

As we wrap up this blog, the key takeaway is clear: user-centric design is an ever-evolving journey. We've learned, grown, and delivered a solution that enhances not just our Plans Page but the overall user experience. Stay tuned for more innovations on the horizon!