Dive into the world of Form Design

Joining the world of online matchmaking can seem daunting for a new user. At Shaadi.com, we aim to prioritise accessibility, ease of use, and information architecture.

We understand that staring at a gazillion fields is no one's idea of fun. That's why, through multiple iterations, 

we ensured -

Focus on Data Input Methods

In form design, we offer diverse input fields for different data types and user interactions, including text fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, radio buttons, passwords, date pickers, buttons, and toggle switches. 

At Shaadi, we optimise interaction by seamlessly combining both "Tap" and "Type" methods, enhancing the user experience to streamline the registration process. For instance, when selecting gender (Male/Female), tap-friendly forms provide more real estate for users to view and choose, as opposed to tiny radio buttons. We are boosting efficiency by providing pre-defined options, ensuring a quick and error-free registration for users.

Balancing Information and Action

Achieving a delicate balance between information and action is crucial for transparent and trustworthy registration forms. 

We prioritise clarity and conciseness to guide users with straightforward instructions. We incorporate intuitive design elements, such as clear buttons and minimalistic fields, to streamline actions and ensure a seamless and efficient registration experience. 

Striking the right equilibrium between informative content and user-friendly actions is key to an effective and user-centric registration form.

Progressive fields to reduce friction

Recognising the challenges of extensive, information-heavy forms and their impact on dropout rates, we've implemented progressive fields. This approach reveals information gradually, reducing cognitive load and increasing completion rates.

Joining our platform extends beyond completing a form; it lays the foundation for a user-friendly joyride on our platform.